Thursday 19 November 2015



How old are you?
Under 15      16-17      18-19      20 or over
Are you male or female?
Male                  Female
How often, per week, do you watch movies?
Never      1-2 times      3-4 times     5 or more
How often, per week, do you watch horror movies?
Never      1-2 times      3-4 times     5 or more
How useful do you find posters in advertising movies?
Extremely      Slightly       Not Much      Not at all
What is your favourite type of horror movie?
Science-fiction      Zombie horror     Teen horror     Ghost horror     Other
What makes you want to watch a movie?
Famous director      Famous cast/protagonist      Storyline       Good advertisement
Which do you prefer?
Gory     Jumpy     Action
Does horror attract you more with colour scheme, effects or images?
colour scheme         Effects          Images
Which one of these posters appeal to you the most? 

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