Wednesday, 13 January 2016


From researching the generic conventions of a horror-genre script, and by researching into my target audience - 
finding their likes, interests and most preferred horror features - I was able to write my script to best fit. 
(both the genre and my audience). I have based this script on 2 groups of teens, one of the groups who begin 
the horror script in 1960s. And the second group who finish it, in present day 2015. The sub genre of my script is 
"Killer Toy", as one of the most popular sub-genre's in my questionnaire was "other". Therefore, by basing my 
script on "killer toy" I aim towards the less common Zombie, ghost or psychological sub-genre. 
I also believe from research, and experience, that even though it is not real, the ideology of a child's
 toy being possessed makes the audience sub-consciously worry and fearful of the things around them 
- having a larger impact.

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